2016 Book Trailer「最愛英語書籍短片展」徵件

想以輕鬆活潑並具創意性的方式增進自己的英語能力嗎?趕緊加入通識教育中心2016 Book Trailer「最愛英語書籍短片展」。透過理解與分享為自己喜愛的英語書籍製作兩分鐘內的分享短片,讓自己更深入的了解一本書及語言,英語學習路上的樂趣會多更多!。
Step 1:線上報名 http://goo.gl/forms/vcFzUyel3G
Step 2:5/13前將影片轉為mp4格式,燒成光碟後交至通識教育中心辦公室(C201)
Step 3:通識教育中心確認檔案後完成報名
Book Trailer影片參考範例:
It's a book book trailer
My sister's keeper book trailer
The book thief book trailer
RED QUEEN by Victoria Aveyard | Official Book Trailer
TNUA Book Trailer Festival
We would like to invite English pleasure readers to join our Book Trailer Festival. A book trailer is a movie trailer for a book. It uses multimedia such as images, video, animation, music and words to compel the viewer to read the book. It has to be engaging, authentic and captivating.
Your book trailer must adhere to copyright laws. All work must be original, copyright free or permission must have been obtained for borrowed images and/or music. This includes use of the cover page of the book, or any text from the book. Copyright must be sought from the publishers of the book. Inclusion of an entry form is essential.
How to participate in the festival?
Step 1: Fill in the entry form on line: http://goo.gl/forms/vcFzUyel3G
Step 2: Convert your video into MP4 format and save it in a well labeled CD or DVD.
Step 3: Bring your CD or DVD to the office C201 before 13th of May, 2016
Entry deadline: Friday 13th of May, 2016
Rewarding criteria:
length – maximum one to two minutes
copyright laws followed
trailer encourages the viewer to be interested in the book
content of the book is clear to the viewer but it does not give the ending away
trailer is original