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Second Foreign Language


* Japanese 日本語


Japan, a country of islands, extends along the Pacific coast of Asia. The main island is Honshu, and the country has three other large islands—Hokkaido to the north and Shikoku and Kyushu to the south. More than 4,000 smaller islands surround the four largest. A modern transportation system connects the main islands, including the Seikan Tunnel linking Honshu to Hokkaido—the world's longest railroad tunnel at 54 kilometers (33 miles). Japan's high-speed trains (known as shinkansen, or bullet trains) connect major urban areas. 


About 73 percent of Japan is mountainous, and all its major cities, except the ancient capital of Kyoto, cling to narrow coastal plains. Only an estimated 18 percent of Japan's territory is suitable for settlement—so Japan's cities are large and densely populated. Tokyo, the capital, is the planet's largest urbanized area at 36 million. One of the most traditional and isolated societies on Earth when Commodore Matthew C. Perry sailed an American fleet into Tokyo Bay in 1853, Japan is democratic and outward-looking today. Among the top three exporters of manufactured goods, the nation has the second largest economy after that of the U.S.

- Copyright from National Geographic Society

Modern recut copy of The Great Wave off Kanagawa (神奈川沖波裏), from 36 Views of Mount Fuji, Colorwoodcut.

Language Learning Resources
General 綜合學習
NHK オンライン   NHK新聞影音,廣播,及節目資訊。

NHK World 簡明日語   《簡明日語》是日本的公共廣播電視機構、NHK 環球廣播網日本國際廣播電台製作播出的日語講座。通過廣播劇形式的課程,學習基本語法和實用語句。課程音頻和學習教材可以免費下載。



Listening and Speaking 聽說
ちもたの日本語   一般日語、商用日語、兒童對話。

JPLANG   東京外國語大學日文自學網站。

擬音語つて? 擬態語つて?   日本國立國語研究所開發,針對日語學習中最困難的擬音語、擬態語所編製的線上教材。

Reading and Writing 讀寫
青空文庫 Aozora Bunko   日本最大線上圖書館。

日本語読解學習支援システム - リデイングチュウ太   多種語言字典、讀本教材、線上測驗。

JAANUS   建築及藝術日語辭彙百科。

Dictionary 字辭典

goo辭書   多種語言字典、讀本教材、線上測驗。

weblio辞書  日日辭典、類似語、英日、日英及手語辭典。

英辞郎on the WEB   英日、日英辭典,含有較多詞項或說法。


Test 檢定


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