Pleasure Reading
Book of Month
110- 1閱讀總借閱冊數達 1247本。
本學期校園多益考於2月3日開始報名至3月24日,2025/4/27 星期日考試
November 2021 Vol.
《哈利波特》作者J.K. 羅琳最新作品!
傑克很愛他的玩具「德兒豬」,德兒豬之所以叫德兒豬,是因為傑克剛開始學說話時,把「The Pig」(豬)說成了「Dur Pig」(德兒豬)。不論傷心難過,DP永遠都陪著他,就算父母離婚了,他的身邊至少還有DP相伴。
但就在聖誕夜這天,可怕的事情發生了――DP不見了!它被媽媽新歡布蘭登的女兒荷莉丟出疾駛的車外,就此消失無蹤。事後荷莉雖然買了一隻「聖誕小豬」(Christmas Pig)還給傑克,但對傑克來說,這隻CP什麼也不是。

J.K. Rowling is the author of the seven Harry Potter books, which have sold over 500 million copies, been translated into over 80 languages, and made into eight blockbuster films. She also wrote three short series companion volumes for charity, including Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which later became the inspiration for a new series of films. Harry’s story as a grown-up was later continued in a stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which J.K. Rowling wrote with playwright Jack Thorne and director John Tiffany.
In 2020, she returned to publishing for younger children with the fairy tale The Ickabog, which she initially published for free online for children in lockdown, later donating all her book royalties to help vulnerable groups affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
J.K. Rowling has received many awards and honors for her writing, including for her detective series written under the name Robert Galbraith. She supports a wide number of humanitarian causes through her charitable trust Volant, and is the founder of the children’s care reform charity Lumos.
For as long as she can remember, J.K. Rowling wanted to be a writer, and is at her happiest in a room, making things up. She lives in Scotland with her family.
Jim Field is an award-winning illustrator, character designer, and animation director. He has worked on a wide variety of projects, from music videos and title sequences to advertising and books.
His first picture book, Cats Ahoy!, won the Booktrust Roald Dahl Funny Prize and was nominated for the Kate Greenaway award. Since then he has illustrated a string of bestselling, multi-award-winning children’s books, including Frog on a Log? and The Lion Inside, as well as young fiction series Rabbit & Bear, middle-grade novels by David Baddiel, and his debut author-illustrator picture book Monsieur Roscoe On Vacation, a bilingual book that introduces first French words. He grew up in Farnborough, UK, worked in London, and now lives in Paris with his wife and young daughter.