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Second Foreign Language


* Italian 義大利語 Italiano


Italy consists of a mountainous peninsula in southern Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea and includes the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, and about 70 other smaller islands. The Alps form Italy's border with France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia. Most of Italy has warm, dry summers and mild winters, with northern Italy experiencing colder, wetter winters. There are some notable active volcanoes: Vesuvius (near Naples), Etna (on Sicily), and Stromboli (north of Sicily).


Milan reigns as Italy's first city of commerce, and the Po River plain is both Italy's agricultural heartland and southern Europe's most advanced industrial region. Turin, the capital of heavy industry, is home to Fiat—one of the world's largest car producers. A major attraction for pilgrims and tourists is the "Holy Shroud" in Turin's cathedral—tradition holds that this was Christ's burial cloth. Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance and is home to great works of civic and religious architecture, sculpture, and paintings. Rome, Italy's capital, exhibits the architectural and artistic grandeur of ancient civilizations.

- Copyright from National Geographic Society

Language Learning Resources

Michelangelo's David(1501–1504), Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence.

General 綜合學習
Il Corriere della Sera   義大利主要報紙。

La Repubblica   義大利主要報紙。

Rai Radio    義大利新聞廣播電台,也有古典音樂、影視、體育、流行等分臺。

Rai TV   義大利公共電視,有新聞、一般媒體、體育、歷史、YOYO卡通、青少年、教育等頻道

BBC Learn Italian    BBC 的義大利文學習網站。

Listening and Speaking 聽說
Edilingua   義大利語教學出版社的Youtube頻道,內有與其相關出版有關的主題影片,有字幕,適合初到中階學習者。

National Geographic Italia   國家地理雜誌義大利語版。內有許多影片。


Reading and Writing 讀寫
義大利文免費線上學習網   台灣教育機構錄製的義大利文免費學習網,內有基礎至進階文法影片教學。

One World Italiano   義大利語教學網站,文法、單字、閱讀、文化等。

SìS.   由義大利高中架設的語言及文學網站,含短文及精典文學,如但丁神曲,可以下載PDF或doc.檔。

Grimmstories   格林童話故事。

Dictionary 字辭典

LanguageGuide Italiano  提供各種生活上用到的單字(字母、數字、水果、動物、房子等)。

Word Reference  各國語辭典,義大利語部分包括英義、義英、義義、同義詞等等,集合各大眾要辭典詳細解說及動詞變化表、動詞反查功能。

Dizionario Italiano  義義辭典,含發音、解釋、雁語、用法、學學意義。

Dizionario di Italiano - Il vocabolario online - La Repubblica   義義辭典,含動詞變化、解釋、用法、學學意義。

Test 檢定

CELI   佩魯賈外國人大學義大利文檢定考試。

CILS   Siena 外國人大學義大利文檢定考試。

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