Second Foreign Language
* Korean 韓語 한국어
Language Learning Resources
Seokguram Grotto from the Silla era, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Republic of Korea
The Republic of Korea, or South Korea, consists of the southern half of the Korean peninsula in East Asia and many islands lying off the western and southern coasts. The largest island, Jeju, has the highest mountain in South Korea at 1,950 meters (6,398 feet). The terrain is mountainous, though less rugged than that of North Korea.
Starting in the late 1970s this capitalist prodigy matured into the world's 12th largest trading nation and a major exporter of cars, consumer electronics, and computer components—due in part to huge export-oriented conglomerates called jaebols. From 1980 to 1990 economic growth averaged 10 percent a year—more than three times that of the U.S. and twice that of Japan. However, the Asian financial crisis caused a deep recession. Economic growth rebounded in 1999, and the economy continues to perform well thanks to vibrant exports.
- Copyright from National Geographic Society
General 綜合學習
KBS NEWS 新聞影音檔、逐字新聞稿、新聞重播、電台廣播節目,適合中級以上程度的學習者。
朝鮮日報 韓、英、中、日版本新聞報導及韓文新聞影片。
實用旅遊會話 針對情境學「旅遊韓語」,實用旅遊對話、常用句型、各種韓國吃喝玩樂情報。
Listening and Speaking 聽說
國立國語研究院「正確之聲」 提供子、母音口型示範,線上發音聲音檔,變音規則及語調學習等。
西江大學語言教育院課程 以口語為中心的教學課程,提供日常生活口語及閱讀、文法講解等。